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Box Notes brings streamlined document collaboration to Box

Box is hosting its third annual BoxWorks conference in San Francisco this week. One of the big announcements out of BoxWorks is the launch of a new service from Box called Box Notes.

Box has been built around the idea that people should be able to access and share content from anywhere. It now counts more than 20 million users spanning over 180,000 businesses around the world, all storing and sharing data online through Box. Now, Box is going a step further, adding the ability to create and collaborate on content, too.

Microsoft Office is the de facto productivity suite—anchored in large part by Microsoft Word. Microsoft Word is an exceptionally powerful content creation platform. In fact, it’s so powerful that it contains many elements of its sibling applications, including a wide range of features normally reserved for spreadsheet, database, and presentation software.

There are FAR more features and options in Microsoft Word than most people need.

There is very little that Microsoft Word can’t do, and for many people, that’s what’s wrong with it. What if you only want to create a simple document? Do you really need the hundreds of features and options available in Microsoft Word? Probably not. The fact that they are even there just adds unnecessary complexity.

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