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Why BlackBerry Mobile Fusion Is the Future of RIM

RIM is most known for its iconic BlackBerry smartphones, but one of the driving forces behind the success of RIM—and one of the reasons it’s still as pervasive as it is today—is the BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES) infrastructure. Now, RIM has introduced BlackBerry Mobile Fusion, which extends BES to manage Android and iOS devices as well. While marketed as a value-add for BlackBerry customers, BlackBerry Mobile Fusion may very well be the core product for RIM moving forward.

RIM has been in decline–bordering on freefalling death spiral–for a couple years now. It was slow to recognize the rising tide of iOS and Android, and its market share has plummeted. RIM’s latest BlackBerry OS and smartphones have been delayed. Its BlackBerry PlayBook tablet has sold only a million units since being launched over a year ago. The new Apple iPad sold three times that amount in its first weekend.

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