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Windows Phone 7, Day 6: Let the ‘Mango’ Games Begin!

30 Days With Windows Phone 7: Day 6

OK. Things are about to get serious. The first few days of the 30 Days With Windows Phone 7 series have been playing around with a soon-to-be-outdated version of the OS, but now thanks to Microsoft and Federal Express I’ve got my hands on a Samsung Focus running the new Windows Phone 7.5 version of the OS–a.k.a. “Mango”.

I realize this series is dedicated to the Windows Phone 7 OS, and not the diverse selection of hardware on which the OS runs, but I must say that right off the bat I prefer the Samsung Focus over the HTC HD7S. I didn’t have any problems with the HTC during the week or so I have been using it, but the Focus just feels much more comfortable in my hand. I also ran some side by side trials and found the Focus to be noticeably faster than the HTC HD7S.

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