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Day 11: Weighing LibreOffice as a Microsoft Office Alternative

30 Days With Ubuntu Linux: Day 11

Welcome back. For today’s 30 Days With Ubuntu Linux post, I am taking a look at LibreOffice–the open source suite of productivity tools that comes installed by default with Ubuntu Linux. I examine how it works, compared with Microsoft Office, or my experience last month spending 30 Days With Google Docs.

Before we begin, though, there are a couple of things I want to clarify. First–I spent a decade or so with Microsoft Office, and thirty days with Google Docs. My examination of LibreOffice is just one facet of my broader experience with Ubuntu Linux, so there won’t be the same level of detail. That said, the fact that I am writing about LibreOffice today does not imply that I just started using it today, or that today is the sum total of my experience with LibreOffice.

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